Secretary of State commissions CQC to conduct rapid review into Nottingham mental health services

Victoria Atkins MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, has commissioned us to conduct a special review into Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust under Section 48 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

This review will look at patient safety and quality of care in the services provided by the trust and will include an assessment of progress made at Rampton Hospital since our last inspection.

It will also include a rapid review of immediately available evidence relating to the care of Valdo Calocane, who was convicted of three counts of manslaughter this month. This will sit alongside the Independent Mental Health Homicide Review, which will be conducted by NHS England and will provide detailed scrutiny of his interactions with mental health services.

Chris Dzikiti, Director of Mental Health, said:

"We will conduct a rapid review into mental health services in Nottingham to understand whether there are any practical actions which can be taken to improve the quality of services and ensure people receive safe and effective care.

"We will begin this work immediately, aiming to report to the Secretary of State before the end of March."

A full Terms of Reference will be published shortly.